Practicing in the Delhi NCR region for 21 years in the field of Mental Health and Human Behaviour
Children, Adolescents, Adults, and Senior Citizens.
Leverage the vast experience acquired over the years in assessing children and adolescents, help in making a meaningful positive difference in their lives by sensitizing parents, caregivers, and teachers by providing them with tangible actionable as well as advice to deal with the situations at hand, on a one to one basis at a holistic level.
Apart from the extensive long term, time-intensive but life-changing work with children there is a considerable time dedicated towards Psychotherapy for the adult population to help deal with struggles with their selves at the home and family front / higher studies and academic pressures/work and career progression along with people management and personal traits issues / marital problems / medical and psychiatric and lifestyle-related concerns.
Professional Engagements: –
Visiting Consultant at Sanchetna- Billabong International School, Noida for their Inclusive Education and Mental health program
- Former Visiting Consultant with Bluebells School International, New Delhi for their Inclusive Education and Mental health program.
- Former Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Center Incharge at the Institute of Child Development and Adolescent Health, Moolchand Medcity, New Delhi.
- Master Trainer with CBSE’s Capacity Building Programs for Teacher & Principal training on a multitude of workshop modules since 2007.
- Master Trainer for the AEP (Adolescent education program) for CBSE.
- Guest faculty for IGNOU programs in Child and adolescent health and Masters Course in Family therapy and counseling.
- Mentoring students at the B.A. / M.A. / M.Phil. programs of various institutions of Delhi NCR including Delhi University, Amity University, and IP University.
- Visiting Expert for review committees in NCPCR, NCERT, CBSE for Child-related development and Involvement programs.
- Part of the Smart Gram Project of the Office of “The President of India” for taking care of the Mental health of children and teachers as well.
- Founder member of AISCAP 2011. (Association of Indian School Counsellors and Allied professionals).
- Core member of the organizing team of the CBSE International life skills summits from the time of its initiation in 2012.
- Technical Session on “Identification Of Common Emotional Behaviour And Learning Concerns In Children “ in the Conference organized -by the Indian Paediatric Association in 2014.
- Technical expert for inputs for POCSO (Prevention of children from sexual offenses act- 2012) cases at the Patiala House Court since the year 2016 regularly.
- Member of the Staff Selection Committees of some of the leading schools in Delhi and Noida.
- Member, Ethics Committee-DNB program-Moolchand Medcity, New Delhi.
At a collective level organize workshops and conduct training programs in the field of Community and School Mental health.
Extending support to schools, and educational institutions on an ongoing basis by conducting Teacher training and capacity building via various short-term courses for counseling services for more than 15 years.
Development of training manuals and academic material for the above. These workshops and training programs primarily address school counselors, teachers, principals, and decision-makers in the academic field about identifying common emotional, behavioral, and learning problems in children along with providing a structured plan for interventions at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels
Apart from the schools associated within North India in and around Delhi NCR because of the work done on behalf of the CBSE.
Schools associated with professionally for :
Regular Parent Orientation sessions at the beginning of the academic year / General and one on one Career Counselling Sessions every year / Peer Educator Workshops for Adolescents on Life Skills / Sex Education.
- Cambridge School Noida since the year 2014 – 2022.
- DAV Public School, Shresshtha Vihar New Delhi, 2015.
- Kunskapsskolan International School, Gurgaon 2015, 2016.
- Army Public School, Noida, 2017.
- Amity International School, Noida, 2017, 2018, 2019
- Gyanshree School, Noida 2017.
- Lotus Valley School, Noida, 2018.
- Delhi Public School, Gautam Budh Nagar 2017.
- Delhi Public School, Ghaziabad 2015, 2016, 2017.
- Modern School, Humayun Road, 2019.
Continuous “Effective Parenting” Sessions in small parent groups for Primary / Middle / Senior School :
- Billabong High International School, Noida.
- Bluebells School International, New Delhi.
- Published Papers in the Journals of ICSSR (2007) and School Health Journal (2015-16).
Inputs and professional insights for articles on Mental health are sought after by the print / broadcast media and news platforms which are easily accessed across various digital and social platforms
The two years of the Covid-19 pandemic brought about a sea of change along with a plethora of emotions and in some cases opened up the pandora’s box for humans to deal with themselves.
Have helped by conducting several sessions for working women, corporates, and schools by primarily focusing on the challenges faced and practical solutions to deal with the same in various public and closed groups. platforms Including a notable session “Challenges faced by working women” for Global women in News-2020
Associated with femoai.com, an online website focusing on Women’s Health and Wellness. 2020 onwards
Associated with Motor Mouth Media for Podcasts on Mental health issues. 2020 onwards
Seminars/workshops / technical sessions conducted regularly – some of the notable ones which are off the regular course of Stress Management and Work-Life Balance are : Disaster Management Workshop at CRAIN INDIA 2011 and Syscom 2017
Back to school post-pandemic sensitization and orientation sessions for parents and students, 2022.
- Cambridge School, Noida
- Bluebells School International, New Delhi
Psychotherapy sessions are for 1 Hour each.
Presently I am only working online for the last two years given the duration of time and exposure risk to both the client and myself.
You may reach out to me for professional help via my mobile which may go unanswered more often than not while I am at work.
Would request a Whatsapp text to seek an appointment with a time preference if any and I will get back to you with an available slot by the end of the day.
Please do not expect an instant response for an appointment as my regular work sessions with clients along with cross border client schedule does not allow me that liberty without referring to my calendar.
Seek an Appointment for
Personal & Individual Therapy Sessions.
Press Releases & Media Coverages